Thursday, June 30, 2016

Dear Family, I am NOT Your Maid

Notice the empty juice container on the counter,
just one small example of why I am writing this post today.

Ah, summer vacation.  That time of year when the sun is shining, the grass is growing, the air is scented with the heavenly aroma of flowers and barbecue grills, and the time when everyone in your house forgets how to clean up after themselves.  It's not only the kids, but my dear husband too.  I fight the same battle at the beginning of every summer.  "Oh, mom's home...we don't have to do anything.  We only have to help during the school year when she's working." Fellow teachers...I am SURE you know what I am talking about. Now, I am not talking about cleaning toilets, or doing laundry, I am talking about the general picking up after yourself business.  It's the, "Kids...when has it ever been ok to throw your dirty socks on the living room floor?" or the, "Seriously Honey, if you go through the trouble of straightening your pillows why couldn't you just make the bed?" that I am talking about.  They actually need less reminders to do the once and awhile chores like pulling weeds than things like putting dirty clothes in the hamper and not on the floor next to it. Well guess what?  Dear Family, I am not your maid.
      As I was trying to get all 4 kids out the door this morning because of course they all had something at 9:00 I must admit I was a little crabby about reminding kids to basically get their crap...not the word I was thinking...together because really how hard is it?  When I finally get everyone out the door, Emma and I are backing out of the driveway and she looks at me with concern on her face and says,"Mom, when you get home you should really watch Bob Ross because you're a little wound up and need to calm down."  At which point I decided to put my "Mom of the Year" hat on and tell her that if she hadn't have been so anxious about stupid things this morning and if everyone could just get their sh*t together I wouldn't have been wound up.  Yes, I know, probably not a great parenting move, but it least she wasn't tell me to watch the "Happy Little Painter" again.  Instead of running home to clean up after everyone I went to the green house and bought a couple of plants instead.  I know that didn't help get things cleaned up, but it made me feel better and I did get a little help when everyone got home.  
     My plans for the rest of the day...clean up a little around here, make the kids clean their rooms, and do a little yard work.  I am not a huge fan of yard work, but I feel like being outside today so that is what I plan to do.  Not to mention that I want to try out the yard mosquito repellant recipe I found on Pinterest this morning...damn mosquitoes...I'll save that rant until tomorrow.  Here I go...I'll let you know if my yard spray works tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Running in my New Shoes

My new running shoes....I feel like Pete the Cat.
If you haven't read a Pete the Cat book you should.  
     I am running in my new shoes today!!!  Every year for our insurance we need to complete two wellness activities.  Every summer they do a fitbit challenge.  If you get a certain number of steps a week your name goes into a drawing for a gift certificate to a local running store and I was the winner of week number 1!!!  The day I found out I won I had been thinking about how I really needed new running shoes, but didn't really want to fork over the money for it.  Although it didn't pay for the entire cost of the shoes it did cover the majority of it.  When I was getting ready to go for my run this morning I was convinced they were going to make me run faster just like Benny in "The Sandlot" does when he puts on his new PF Flyers to try and get the ball back from the beast!!!  By the way...if you haven't seen the Sandlot you really should.  While I didn't set any records today...I did improve from 1.99 miles on Monday to 2.42 miles today...not sure if the new shoes had anything to do with that or not...but I'll go with it.
     My running journey started about 4 years ago.  It has been inconsistent at best.  I had foot surgery the summer I turned 39 and didn't do much exercise of any sort.  The summer after I turned 40 I decided that running was something I really had to try.  I was great that summer, but once school started I had a really hard time sticking with it.  The last two summers running has been almost nonexistent for me, but this summer I have done a pretty good job of sticking with if I could only stick to Weight Watchers as closely I'd have it made.
      Every time I start getting ready to run I have a little shadow and his name is Baxter.  Baxter absolutely loves to go for a run with me.  As soon as he sees me put on my running clothes he starts whining at my feet.  When I stretch he starts stretching too and licks my face like this time he might just convince me to let him come with.  I used to let him come with me when I started off the Couch to 5K program because I did more walking than running.  One thing I discovered however is that every stinking time he'd come with me we'd get half way down the block and he'd have to poop.  Now, being a responsible dog owner I only let him poop in the common area of our subdivision and I bag it.  Let me tell you that running in the summer with a bag of dog poop for almost 2 miles is not fun.  That of course is not the only reason that he doesn't go with anymore...the dog is very distractible.  He sniffs at everything, has to greet every passerby, and it all in all makes running a bit difficult.  So needless to say his running days are very limited these days.
    And speaking of running...I have to go...time to run and get Mitch from golf lessons...who by the way just broke another club.  ARG!!!!!!!  Anyone have golf clubs for sale?


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Summer Vacation Rocks!!!

     Ah...a teacher on summer vacation!  What to do now with all this time on my hands...ha ha ha ha.  Ok, as some of you may know teachers are almost as busy during their summer vacation as they are during the school year.  I know that may seem hard to believe...but it is true.  So far I have spent my vacation going to meetings, professional development, visiting my family in Minnesota, spending way too much time at the orthodontist with my son (long story), and trying to catch up on the things that I find a hard time doing during the school year such as reading a whole book in less than 6 months.  :)  My goal this summer is to get healthy, find time for my hobbies, spend more time enjoying my kids, spend as much time outside as possible, and plan for my next school year.  Yes, teachers' brains never really turn off and we can't help but think of the upcoming school year even though the last one is barely over.  One way you can tell that the school year is over is to go on Pinterest and see all of the school ideas that are suggested or that your fellow teachers are pinning.  I love this part of the "school year" because I have more time to allow my creative juices to flow.  I spent the morning with my team planning how we want to structure team teaching next year and it made me so excited for next year.  I am lucky to be a part of such an outstanding team.
My family in front of the famous wood chipper from the movie "Fargo"
from our trip to see my family.  Next Christmas Card picture perhaps?

    Up and coming for my summer vacation...a cookout with friends on July 4th, a trip with my husband to San Antonio with my husband for our anniversary, and a family trip to Mishicot, Wisconsin with my husband's family.  Traveling with kids and a dog is always an adventure.  Luckily our kids have learned how to travel well...although I am not sure how it is so easy for boys to "forget" to pack their toothbrush, and the dog loves being in the car and travels very well.  If anyone out there has some great 4th of July recipes or a great packing checklist for kids I would greatly appreciate it.